Saturday, March 26, 2005

Folks, let's not forget that we're Christians

From the website of, Channel 10:

"Emotions are running high as time runs out for the 41-year-old woman who has been in what most doctors agree is a persistent vegetative state since suffering a heart attack caused by a chemical imbalance 15 years ago.

"A North Carolina man is in jail in Asheville on charges he threatened Schiavo’s husband.

"The man was arrested in connection with an e-mail that placed a $250,000 bounty on Michael Schiavo’s head and offered a $50,000 bounty for the elimination of a judge who denied a request to intervene in the case."

It's pretty clear to me that this is not what the Lord requires of us.


Blogger Unknown said...

I heard about that, you are right, emotions are running high, people are confused as to how the law could let this happen.
But we do need to be peaceful people.
Alot of us would like to imagine the idea of Michaels head being up for sale, but hey as you said, we have to do as Jesus would do :-)

8:07 PM  

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